Thursday, January 2, 2014

What little boys think about

One night I laid down next to Broden to put him to bed. He was quiet for awhile then he scooted over so our noses where touching and whispered, "Are you thinking about Spiderman monster trucks too Aunt Krista?"


  1. Broden 4 years old

    Broden: Grandma what's my name?
    Grandma: Broden
    Broden: No, what's my whole name?
    Grandma: Broden Tyler
    Broden: I feel like a rock star! Do you want to touch me?

  2. March 2014

    Broden: Grandma, who do you think is or me?
    Grandma: I don't know, who do you think is smarter?
    Broden: I think I am smarter?
    Grandma: Why do you think you are smarter?
    Broden: Because I think about dinosaur DNA.

  3. March 2014

    Broden: Grandma what if you lied to me?
    Grandma: I would never lie to you.
    Broden: Why not?
    Grandma: Because people who tell lies cannot go to heaven.
    Broden: Oh, I didn't know that!
    Grandma: Do you tell lies?
    Broden: NO...I just trick people. :)

  4. March 2014

    Broden knows that I don't like to wake up early, but he also knows I cannot resist his sweet little self. He climbs into my bed early this morning and puts his arms around my neck and says, "good morning my sweet love." Yep..I got up and played!
